
The University of Kassel is a modern and growing University with round about 22.000 students. It has an extraordinary wide section with expertise of nature, technique, culture and society.

The University of Kassel is seeking applications for as many as ten exposé scholarships to support those who are planning a doctorate at the University of Kassel.

Exposé Scholarships of the University of Kassel



start of funding:


reference: 38140

Target group

All persons who have a commitment for the supervision of the doctorate by a professor of the University of Kassel are eligible to apply. An application is only possible once.

Only the first doctorate of a person can be funded.

Amount of the scholarship

The scholarship is endowed with EUR 1,300 per month. A family allowance of EUR 200 per month is possible upon request.


The scholarship is granted up to nine months. The main goal of the exposé scholarship is to write an exposé which is required for the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate at the doctoral office of the University of Kassel. It can also be used to apply for a scholarship from other scholarship foundations. As a rule, the funding period is 1 October 2025 up to 30 July 2026.

The exposé scholarship ends at the end of the funding period or upon acceptance by the doctoral committee, provided this occurs within the funding period.

Selection procedure

The committee for exposé scholarships decides on the awarding of scholarships based on the letter of motivation, the academic achievements achieved so far, the abstract of the doctoral thesis and the opinion of the supervisor.

The doctoral scholarship committee consists of the current vice president, at least three professors and one academic staff member.

An application is only possible once. If the scholarship is cancelled due to the birth of a child, a long-term illness or the care of relatives, it is possible to reapply.

Application documents

The application must be submitted electronically via this link: https://stellen.uni-kassel.de/mzhka

The following documents in German or in English must be submitted in the order stated, summarized in one PDF file (exclusion criterion):

  • a letter of motivation (max. two pages) that states the motivation for a) the doctorate and b) the doctorate at the University of Kassel and in which the plans for the further financing of the doctorate are outlined,
  • an abstract about the project planned (max. two pages plus bibliography); the abstract gives information about the current state of research and the own preliminary work, the goals and questions, used methods and expected scientific contribution,
  • a CV in table form,
  • one copy of higher qualifying university degree (if the degree is not yet available, a transcript of records will be attached),
  • a letter of recommendation from the professor who will be the supervisor, in which the person assures that he / she will supervise the project and outlines how the doctorate should be financed after the end of the funding period. The applicant will add this letter to the application.

The closing date for applications is 15 April 2025.

Contact details

University of Kassel, Stabsstelle Forschungs- und Graduiertenförderung, Mönchebergstr. 19, 34109 Kassel, stipendium(at)uni-kassel.de, Phone 0561 804-7742 or -2263.

Website: http://www.uni-kassel.de/go/exposee-scholarship

Only the German version of this call for submissions is legally binding.

You can find more jobs at stellen.uni-kassel.de

The protection of your personal information is very important to us, so we will handle your personal information with care. By your application, you allow us the storage and use in the sense of the Hessian Data Protection and Freedom of Information Act. You can object to this at any time. Your personal data will be deleted.

Information according to Art. 13 DSGVO for the application process at the University of Kassel can be found at:

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